Attendance Policy

Tardy - Students are to be in class prior to the bell to not be considered tardy. Unexcused tardy will be recorded in grade book and addressed by the teacher including assignment to Choice Room for the period.

Excused absence – To have an absence excused, students must turn in an excused absence request form to Mrs. Marsh in the Freshman Building. Students have 3 days upon returning to campus to request that their absence be excused. Beyond this point, absences will not be excused unless medical documentation is provided.

Unexcused absence – Students are allowed 4 unexcused absences in a 9 weeks before they will be denied credit for their makeup work.

*Teachers have the right to enforce a more stringent policy, as found in the Student Progression Plan*

Dress Code

In order to ensure an orderly learning environment where all students understand and demonstrate respect for themselves and others, all students are responsible for familiarizing themselves and complying with dress code expectations.

Student Identification Badge Policy 2023-24 

Student identification badges will be provided to secondary students district-wide in an effort to ensure the safety and security of students and staff.  Students must wear the ID badge above the waist at all times when on school grounds.

All students are provided a Student Identification Badge at no cost.  Students in need of a replacement ID Badge will be charged five dollars. 

The following expectations will apply:

  •  ID Badges are considered a part of the George Jenkins High School dress code and must be worn throughout the entire school day.
    • Student identification badges must be worn around the neck on a lanyard or clipped above the waist.
  • The following procedures will apply to students without their Identification Badge:
    • 1st Period:  Teachers will check for IDs at the beginning of 1st period and will request a replacement ID for students without an ID.  A replacement ID will be made and delivered to the student’s class.
    • 2nd – 7th Periods:  Students who do not have their ID appropriately displayed after 1st period will be referred to the Choice Room*.
      • Students who do not have a first period class on campus or who check in late may have an ID made during their first class of the day, if needed.
  • Altering a Student Identification Badge, covering the student picture, or wearing another student’s badge is not permissible and will lead to a Choice Room* visit.  Repeated offenses may result in progressive disciplinary action.

*Students without an ID Badge are considered out of dress code and will be sent to the Choice Room.  Progressive disciplinary measures, as outlined in the GJHS Choice Room Policy, will be enforced for repeated infractions.